Recruitment Post

     Well, we have setup a site, hashed out rules and settled on our app so all that we have left to do is recruit. :( Recruiting has not been fun. I have been mocked and laughed at more in the last 3 days than in my entire life. I have tried serious posts and funny ones with an equal lack of luck.  So today I will be brainstorming different recruitment messages to see which looks best typed out.

<Primus Inter Pares> Got loot? Apply at

We are a new guild looking to expand our ranks. We are looking for mature and fun players with toons 80+. PST for more info or apply at

.ofni erom rof TSP ro moc.remurof.supip ta ylppa nac srediar ykaenS .[rorriM etitengaM] ruoy barg kciuq ,uoy no pu gnikaens ylwolS

Enjoy 20+ hours of work on raid bosses to claim server first, apply at GoL. If you enjoy progressing at a slower and more relaxed pace give us a try. Fun players who have great raid awareness and are willing to help each other improve. Apply at

New 10 man guild looking to expand our ranks. We enjoy metal music, long walks on the beach and ruthlessly destroying internet dragons. Dislikes include socks with sandals and scrubs. Please apply at or PST for more info.

<Primus Inter Pares>We offer repairs, bank tabs, and vent. We plan on raiding in 10 mans as soon as we recruit enough players and can offer a friendly and funny environment in which to play. Please apply at or PST for more info.

     Well, I have been sitting here for 20 minutes and this is all I have. Sigh, luckily the Dawnbringer server has plenty of unguilded 80+ toons who are hopefully desperate for a guild that even remotely tries to be original. If anyone reading this thinks they have some pointers to share, please do. :) I am more than willing to admit I can greatly improve on recruitment messages.

Edit 01/26/2011 19:37  After a day spent in Trade, I have decided our guild’s new recruitment message will be: <Primus Inter Pares> We spell checked our name so you wouldn’t be ashamed to have it under yours. PST for more information about how we can make your life less embarrassing.

Edit 01/31/2011 15:54 I came up with what I hope is a catchy limerick for recruitment:

There once was a toon quite skilled,
He decided he needed a guild,
He never got laid
so decided to raid
and a spot in PIP was filled. PST for more info.